Thursday, September 3, 2015

Would You Rather TG Captions: An Introduction

Greetings! My name is Olivia and this is Would Your Rather TG Captions! I've been a long-time lurker on many TG sites ranging from blogs to Tumblr feeds to Wordpress sites and decided to create my own place based off a cool idea that requires participation from people like yourself!

The premise of this blog, as you can guess by the title, is based on the game "Would You Rather". Generally, this game gives you two choices with alternate and often conflicting pros and cons, and you have one of the two. Applying this concept for my site, I decided that I wanted to provide a scenario/question and two images based around TG themes, from which I create a caption! For example, if I asked a question like "Would you rather be a blond or a redhead?" and showed two images, you would respond via a poll and the winner would be turned into a caption in a week or so. 

That's the gist of what this is about! In terms of how I plan on running things, each week or so I will post a preview that will give you a scenario, the "Would You Rather" question, and the two images that might be selected. A poll will go up at the same time and after a week (or possibly longer if there aren't many people voting), I will make a cap based on those results! With that in mind, I have three polls up based on the following questions (which have previews linked below):

I'm excited to start working - leave a comment if you have a question and vote in those polls!

WYR Preview: Age Regress or Age Progress?

Scenario: A witch has worked her magic and altered not only your gender but your age. Would you rather go from a young teen to an older woman or an adult male to a teenaged girl?

WYR Preview: Control What You Think or What You Say?

Scenario: You have been magically transformed into an extreme girly-girl and have one of two curses placed on you - you can either not control what you think or not control what you say! Which would you rather have control of?

WYR Preview: Crossdress In Front of Friends or Family?

Scenario: You are required to crossdress in front of one of two sets of people: your friends...or your family. The catch is that whichever you choose KNOWS that you are crossdressing!